Share your experience with the NYBPC!

Tell us about your experience and help us spread the word and develop support for the program.

Make a video and send it to us (medium or high resolution preferred) that we can use as a testimonial. The video can be recorded on your phone, and should be less than 80 seconds. Please include the following information:

  • Your name, your company name, your school name, what year you competed, and what, if any, prize you won

  • How the NYBPC has impacted your experience with entrepreneurship

  • What you're doing now

  • Your plans for the future (can be anything, but how they relate to either entrepreneurial skills, a side hustle, or your new venture are all great)

Your support is helpful as we seek sponsorship from corporations and philanthropic support from foundations and entrepreneurs who've traveled the path you're on now. 

Submit by email to Holly at

Check out this video submission from Drew Speckman, last year’s Grand Prize winner!

Noa Simons