Tips for Mentoring Entrepreneurs

By Noa Simons

Providing guidance and insight to early stage entrepreneurs is one of the most valuable things a business professional can do to support founders. Mentors might provide just a bit of knowledge once, or may have ongoing relationships with entrepreneurs they advise. Whether you’re planning on having one meeting or several, here are some tips to make sure you’re having maximum impact with your time and counsel.

1. Articulate your areas of knowledge and experience.  

You can help potential mentees by indicating where you have the most knowledge and insight, in brief and clear language. That will help entrepreneurs know what to ask you.

2. Set up meetings with interesting people doing interesting things.

The more interested you are in what the entrepreneur is doing, the more likely you are to make a meaningful connection, which in turn will help start a stronger relationship. 

3. Treat everyone with respect. 

Although you’re the one being generous first with your time and your knowledge, you want to leave a good impression. You never know where the payback might come from, so make sure to value the entrepreneur’s time as much as your own.

4. Set the agenda.

Ask what the mentee is hoping to gain from spending time with you. Help set a clear agenda for the meeting and for post-meeting follow-up, if applicable.  

5. Listen carefully. 

Listen to the questions being asked, and ask your own clarifying questions. Afterward, you can ask for a specific example, or use open non-directive questions if helpful.

6. Share your relevant experiences briefly. 

Make sure there is sufficient time and space for entrepreneurs to respond. This time is as much about the mentee as it is about you. By keeping your experiences brief, you can leave more time for dialogue, allowing you to see where they might need the most support. 

7. Stay in touch. 

If you’d like to keep in touch, you should! Entrepreneurs can use advice and support throughout their journeys, so if you make a good connection, keep in contact!  You never know where these relationships can lead in the future.

Don’t forget to register for the Mentorship+ series, starting monthly online on September 30.

Noa Simons